About Us

We The People of the United States Of America in order to form a more perfect Union MUST be unified when we elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States Of America.

We are stronger together than we are apart. We must unify to defeat Donald Trump and the MAGA republicans who are trying to divide us to make our women and minority population second class citizens. “We will NOT go back.”

The women of the United States deserve to have bodily autonomy. The fundamental right to make their own health care decisions without government intervention.

This design symbolizes what American Democracy is all about- A melting pot-A nation of immigrants- mindful of the Indigenous population-that built a nation that shows that all women and men are created equal in the eyes of the law.

A portion of the sales will be donated to the Harris campaign for President and to down ballot democrats to help gain back control of the People’s House and to maintain control of the Senate.

The Stars and Stripes stands for Unity, Freedom, and Democracy. For every citizen shall lift up his fellow citizen so each can enjoy the promise that the United States Constitution guarantees to all of us. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

With the election of the Harris-Waltz ticket, we will move us as a nation forward and onward inching ever so close to that more perfect union.

“Lets’ Finish the Job!”